• Treating Chronic Diarrhea
    Diarrhea is very common. When you have diarrhea, your bowel movements are loose and watery. In most cases, diarrhea lasts a couple of days. Chronic diarrhea is diarrhea that lasts Read more
  • What is Causing My Constipation?
    Having trouble going to the bathroom? Find out what might be to blame. Constipation is an annoying and embarrassing problem that all of us will experience at some point. Constipation is Read more
  • Do I Need an Upper Endoscopy?
    This diagnostic procedure could determine the root cause of your digestive issues. An upper endoscopy is a simple procedure in which your gastroenterologist will insert a small, flexible tube that contains Read more
  • What is Ulcerative Colitis?
    Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes severe and even bloody diarrhea that can result in abdominal pain and unexpected weight loss. While people have Read more
  • What You Should Know About C. diff
    C. difficile (Clostridium difficile) is an infection that should be talked about more often than it is despite the fact that it infects half a million Americans each year. While C. diff bacteria Read more
  • What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease?
    Do you find that most mealtimes end up being ruined by gnawing, nagging heartburn? While most people will experience heartburn at some point during their lifetime, if you are someone Read more
  • Common Signs of Hepatitis C
    Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that causes liver inflammation, sometimes leading to serious liver damage. Most people have no symptoms right after they have been infected, and since any Read more
  • Colorectal Cancer & Screening
    Click here for pdf version. GOOD HEALTH NEWS www.MyPreventiveHealth.com E-mail: [email protected] Volume 22 (4) 2018 Edward A. Layne, M.D., Editor (Used by Gastro & Nutrition Clinics PC with permission) In this Newsletter This is a series of special Read more

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